KVR - is a mobile version of the work Control system (https://askvr.ru)
The system allows you to collect and monitor the download of each subordinate employee when connected to the Internet and offline. The system will always be useful for managers at any level in any industry.
The following functions are available in the app:
- registration of completed works
- view and sort the list of jobs
- confirmation of the work of subordinate employees
- the functionality in the app depends on the user's role
- operational technical support
- built-in description of the functionality in each page
- generating reports on loading subordinate employees
Requested access:
- connect to WiFi to sync your work list
Additional information:
- you can log in to the app using your account https://askvr.ru/account/lreg.aspx
- a full description of the system's features is available at http://askvr.ru
--- Details for test login to the app ---
- Title of enterprise = Spectr
- User name = test
- Password = 12345
*Brief description of the KVR system*
The principle of operation of the KVR system is based on the discipline of labor rationing.
The system already has several profiles of businesses from different industries available when registering a new business.
In addition, the new representative of the company will be able to configure the system for their company more accurately.